
After a long morning working in the office I was really feeling like having a bit of a break. Easter is always a busy period in the church and my day off is Monday but as Monday was a holiday for everyone here, I decided that I would take the Wednesday afternoon off as well (as long as I get all my work done!).

On Easter Monday I had been to the radio amateur rally in Deist where a SOTA meet and greet had been organised by Peter, ON4UP. It was a bit of a drive but the rally was fun with lots to see and buy, plus the chance to meet other Belgians interested in SOTA.

I headed out to ON-004 because of it’s easy location, it’s literally a drive on summit located about a one and a half hour drive away. I arrived in St Hubert and then took the N848 out of the town. After about 2 kilometres you see a monastery to your left just set off the road, that is where you need to turn into the Rue du Monastère. Driving up this road, past the monastery, you arrive at a T junction and need to turn left again. Follow the road round till you reach the Belgocontrol Radar which is quite impressive. I stopped here and looked for the trig point, walking through the wood to the actual site just under another smaller radar installation. There are in fact two radar towers on the site but no sign to say you are not allowed in the area. You can even drive the car all the way round to the trig point if you like, going round the larger installation and taking the dirt track. I walked some way through the wood between the two towers (sounds like The Lord of the Rings).

I set up next to the trig point with my band springer and first using my FT817 but it really does drain the battery. I found also that there was a lot of interference on 40m making it almost impossible to use. I looked around 20m and called CQ but no replies, I also looked at 30m but the same happened. So I put the 817 away and got out my HB-1B, tuned into 30m and started calling. I had two contacts on 30m and then later four on 40m in spite the interference problems which were easier to handle on the HB-1B than the 817. The interference may be coming from the radar installation.


  • HA8WZ
  • YU1WAT
  • OK2PXD
  • G3JFS
  • OE7PHI
  • MW6IMU



  1. Andrew VK1AD · April 25, 2017

    Looks like Lord of the Rings! I always enjoy reading your AR / SOTA posts Stephen, thanks for sharing. I use the ‘Like’ option to show I have read your posts.
    73, Andrew VK1AD


  2. Stephen · April 25, 2017

    Hi Andrew, thanks for the comment. I try to write it up a bit like an adventure HIHI. The thing is here in Belgium our SOTA summits are well, not that high so I think I’ll make a story out of them 🙂 Though with this one I surprised at the proximity to the radar, right at the base of it basically! Thanks again for the comment. 73 Stephen


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