cw QRP in the woods

So I went for a walk in the woods yesterday with the dog, as we do everyday, and I thought I would take along the FT 817 and my SOTA beans end fed antenna. We walked up onto a hill in the middle of the forest where I set up. I can’t say that the dog was very impressed. He just wanted to continue the walk and was certainly not interested in the radio.

The forest was so silent as I set up, finding a convenient tree stump. The antenna I strung up between two trees only about 3m in the air. I hadn’t come with any external battery as I only intended to test out the radio and the location. Well, it worked a treat! I could hear plenty of stations and one in southern Wales that I have worked in the past. I did try to call back but I guess the internal battery was not enough.

Still I was really impressed with the location hearing many stations. So I’ll be going back soon armed with an external battery. Not sure the dog willl be with me. I did make a video but sadly I’m having some difficulties to get it off my phone.
